Our Pastor

Pastor Stephen Pool is an ordained Bishop within the Church of God. He and his wife Rachel have been lead pastors at the Faith Center since April 2017. Pastor  has served in many roles within a church (Lead Pastor, Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor, Children’s Pastor, Church planter, and Worship leader). Pastor has his bachelor Degree from Lee University, which he complete in 2019. He serves the community as a Police and Sherriff Departments.   


Pastor Rachel is very active within the ministry serving beside her husband. Besides being the mother of 3 wonderful children (Olivia, Rebekah, Judah), Pastor Rachel teaches kids church, helps with the media, and sings with the praise team when needed. Rachel enjoys reading and working on DIY projects.  


“…Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” John 4:35